Welcome to Year 3 - Diamond Class

Miss E Matthews
BA (Hons) QTS

Hi, my name is Miss Matthews and I currently teach in Year 3 Diamond class. I love helping the children transition and take on the big changes from Key Stage 1 into Key Stage 2. I feel passionately about all children reaching their potential both

Miss T Stretton

PE Day & PE Kit
PE will take place on Wednesday .
Please ensure you child comes to school in their PE Kit on that day.
What's New
Download Timetable
Snack Money
Tuck Shop is available after school
on Wednesday and Friday.
Daily snack is available to purchase every day at break time. Snack can be purchased at morning break. The maximum amount snack will cost is £2 a week. Children welcome to bring their own snack from home.
Reading Books
Reading Books will usually be changed Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please read with your child every night and sign their reading record.
Knowledge Organiser
You have been given a Knowledge Organiser and Homework Grid with some tasks relating to our topic.
Each week we will have a focus that has been covered on the Knowledge Organiser.
Recent Terms Archive
Class Topics For Each Half Term
Themes to be explored
Autumn 1:
Would you rather live in Warrington or Malaga?
To kick start Year 3, the children will begin with a geography topic, exploring the similarities and the differences in the UK and Spain. We will look at both the physical and human features of the countries to compare them, whilst also developing our map skills. In writing this half term, we will read a variety of Spanish folk takes and begin to develop our narrative writing, alongside creating our own non chronological report all about Spain!
Links to support learning:
Autumn 2:
The Stone Age into the Iron Age.
During Autumn 2, the children will begin their history learning through exploration of The Stone Age. We will look closely at the three different periods to see how this age developed whilst comparing them to the modern day and the changes in the lives for both men and women. We will use various artifacts to develop our historical enquiry skills and build on our knowledge. In writing this half term, we will read The Stone Age Boy to develop our narrative writing, where we will be learning how to include speech in our stories as well as similes to engage our readers.
Links to support learning: The Stone Age Rocks
Spring 1:
Who were The Romans?
During Spring 1, continuing their history learning, the children will learn all about The Romans and how they lived. We will explore the spread of the empire, looking closely at the invasions made on England and how this has impacted Britain today. We will develop our writing skills this half term through describing a Roman invasion, including what the Celts might have heard, seen and felt at that time, using texts to help our understanding.
Links to support learning: The Roman Empire The Roman Army
Spring 2:
During Spring 2, the children will learn how to write a narrative, based around superheroes! We will focus on three key texts, to inspire our ideas for writing and to explore the life of a superhero! Whilst doing this, there will be lots of drama and roleplay to deepen our understanding and immerse us into the stories. We will learn how to plan and sequence our writing, alongside describing key characters, and detailing events.
Links to support learning: Expanded noun phrases Correct tense
During Summer 1, the children will explore the history topic, Who were the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings? They will learn all about The Anglo-Saxon’s invasions on Britain and the areas they settled. We will look at why they invaded and then how their lives in Britain changed once The Vikings raided their territory. ‘Thor’ will be the fiction text we will focus on to develop our narrative writing and engage our reader.
Links to support learning: Anglo-Saxon facts The Vikings
Summer 2:
During Summer 2, the children will explore where the chocolate they eat comes from and how it is made. We will look at the countries that help us produce chocolate and then how it is manufactured here in England. To develop our writing skills this half term, we will read Charlie and the Chocolate factory and write a newspaper report! We will become reporters while learning how to produce a new genre of writing.
Links to support learning: Cocoa bean harvesting Why is Fairtrade important?