Welcome to Nursery - (Archive Nov 23)
PE Day & PE Kit
PE will take place on Monday.
Please ensure you child comes to school in their PE Kit on that day.
What's New
Download Timetable
Snack Money
We provide a healthy snack during both morning and afternoon sessions. This will be a time when the children sit at a table with an adult, share a snack with their friends, develop an awareness of healthy food and nurture conversational skills. This is a valuable opportunity to enjoy learning in a real life context, eg. to use mathematical language when counting to share pieces of cheese or describing the length of a variety of bread sticks.
Please note it is vital we are aware of any allergies or dietary requirements - please talk with us if your child cannot eat or be in contact with certain ingredients.
Please pay £1.50 per week for your child's snacks; you can pay weekly, a few weeks at a time of for the whole half term, whichever you prefer. Our snacks for the week will be listed in the Nursery newsletter and displayed by the Nursery doors
Reading Books
Please share a book with your child every night, this is an incredibly valuable way to spend time together.
Knowledge Organiser
Information regarding specific learning is available via this website; each half term you will be provided with a summary of topic based, experiential learning.
Our half-termly homework grids contain learning activities for you to enjoy together; these will support & extend your child’s/children’s learning in Nursery. You will receive printed copies of these & they are available via this webpage.
Recent Terms Archive
The Nursery at Bewsey Lodge
Our Vision
In Early Years, our children are loved and inspired. We encourage and build confidence, resilience and independence in our young people through engagement and challenge. We engineer a stimulating environment that empowers them to thrive.
The Early Years Curriculum is based in holistic learning and development; throughout their day in our Nursery, your child will be continually learning within one or more of these areas simultaneously. If you would like to read more about the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, here are some useful links:
A parents guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) | Family Corner
What-to-expect-in-the-EYFS-complete-FINAL-16.09-compressed.pdf (foundationyears.org.uk)
The smooth transition from home/other childcare settings is an important aim of our Nursery. We hope that both you and your children are excited about this new stage in their life.
We hope information here, together with chatting to us, will answer any questions you may have about your child starting Nursery.
To read our Nursery Handbook, please click here.
For application details, please click here.
For questions or queries please contact
Mrs. Clifford using the following email address:
Special Events in Nursery
New to Nursery Drop-in 04.09.’23
New families are invited to join us, spend time together in our provision, ask any questions …
Nursery Stay & Play 24.10.’23
All families are invited to join us, during the nursery day, please come along to stay, play & learn with us.
Nursery Flu Inoculations 26.10.’23
All families are invited to join us, during the nursery day, please come along to stay, play & learn with us.