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Welcome to Nursery

Mrs B Clifford

Mrs B Clifford


B.Ed (Hons) Med NPQH
Mrs B Clifford

My name is Barbara Clifford, I love teaching in Nursery at Bewsey Lodge. I am proud to lead such a popular Nursery where children enjoy learning lots everyday.

Mrs J Lander

Mrs J Lander


Mrs J Lander

Mrs G Hampton

Mrs G Hampton


Mrs G Hampton

Mrs K Hudson

Mrs K Hudson


Mrs K Hudson

PE Day & PE Kit

PE will take place on Monday.

Please ensure you child comes to school in their PE Kit on that day.

What's New
Download Timetable

Snack Money

We provide a healthy snack during both morning and afternoon sessions.  This will be a time when the children sit at a table with an adult, share a snack with their friends, develop an awareness of healthy food and nurture conversational skills.  This is a valuable opportunity to enjoy learning in a real life context, eg. to use mathematical language when counting to share pieces of cheese or describing the length of a variety of bread sticks. 

  • Please note it is vital we are aware of any allergies or dietary requirements - please talk with us if your child cannot eat or be in contact with certain ingredients.

  • Please pay £2.00 per week for your child's snacks; you can pay weekly, a few weeks at a time or for the whole half term, whichever you prefer.  This half term is 6 weeks long, if you prefer to pay for the whole half term the cost is £12.00.

Reading Books

Please share a book with your child every night, this is an incredibly valuable way to spend time together.

Knowledge Organiser

Information regarding specific learning is available via this website; each half term you will be provided with a summary of topic based, experiential learning.



Our half-termly homework grids contain learning activities for you to enjoy together; these will support & extend your child’s/children’s learning in Nursery.  You will receive printed copies of these & they are available via this webpage.


Recent Terms Archive

Welcome to the Nursery

at Bewsey Lodge

Our topic this half term is:



This half term we are comparing and contrasting our environment with a different part of the world; we will be learning about Africa. The book “Handa’s Surprise” will be the inspiration for our learning about African crops, food, climate, environment, houses, clothes, art, craft and music. We will be tasting and making food, creating art and music inspired by African artefacts and examples, learning about the variety of animals native to Africa, using books and videos to learn about homes, environment, clothes ….  We will have great fun and learn lots!  Hopefully, we can also visit Chester Zoo!

These fiction & non-fiction titles are the focus books during this half term; they relate particularly to our learning in literacy & understanding of the world.


The Early Years Curriculum is based in holistic learning and development; throughout their day in our Nursery, your child will be continually learning within one or more of these areas simultaneously.

Communication & Language

When speaking & listening we will be extending our understanding of more words & using a wider vocabulary.  We will develop our ability to investigate & answer by focusing on ‘why’ questions.  We will enjoy listening to longer stories & exploring non-fiction books, we will talk about them, extending our ability to remember characters, plot & information.  We will focus on conversational skills to describe, suggest and organise ideas.  Also, we will extend abilities to use talk to organise ourselves, to express a point of view and to discuss ideas.

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

We will continue to develop our sense of responsibility & appreciation of our nursery community.  This half term we will focus specifically on  our health, wellbeing, transitions & changes.

  • week 1: name parts of the body & have respect for ourselves

  • week 2: know some things we can do & some food we can eat to be healthy

  • week 3: understand we all start as babies & grow into children then adults

  • week 4: know that we grow & change

  • week 5: talk about how we feel moving from Nursery to school/to talk about our

                 friends moving from Nursery to school

  • week 6: remember fun things about Nursery

Physical Development

We will continue to use one-handed tools & equipment eg, pens, pencils, scissors, with a comfortable grip & with good control.  Our self help skills will improve as we learn to use more fastenings, buttons, zips, laces …  We will show a preference for a dominant hand & advanced manipulative skills to thread intricate bead designs inspired by African jewelry.  In music & dance we will use & remember a sequence of movements, including, balance, jumps & travel, inspired by African music, instruments & dance.  In PE we will be developing athletics skills as we prepare for sports day.


We will further develop our phonological awareness; this means we will be spotting & suggesting rhymes, counting & clapping syllables in words & recognising words with the same initial sound.  We will use some of our print & letter knowledge to write labels, lists, our names & simple sentences.  We will talk about what we write & read together. This half term we will focus on forming letters correctly.


Mathematics is part of many activities in nursery, this half term we will be concentrating on numbers past 5, recognising how many without necessarily counting, showing finger numbers & linking quantities with numerals.  We will be focusing on comparing quantities & sizes, we will continue to count at every opportunity & extend understanding of number by focusing on more, less, one more & one fewer.  We will continue to recognise & talk about shape, also we will focus on extending understanding of length, weight & capacity..  We will discuss routes & locations when considering the plots of stories & when playing with African small worlds.  

Understanding the World

Through investigating & observing the natural world whilst continuing to grow fruit & vegetables, we will develop a wide vocabulary to talk about what we see & feel.  We will respect & care for nature as we use our senses in hands-on exploration; our outdoor learning space will include flowers of many colours, herbs & flowers which smell, bamboo which we can hear as it sways in the wind ….  We will use this learning & understanding to contrast our environment with Africa.  We will taste fruit & vegetables grown in Africa, make some African food, study houses, clothes, traditional stories, jewelry ..,  We will learn about African animals & plants.

Expressive Arts & Design

When drawing & painting we will create more complex pieces, we will show different emotions in drawings & paintings, also represent ideas such as movement & loud noises. In music related learning we will listen with increased focus to African music & songs, we will learn to pitch match & play instruments to express feelings & ideas inspired by African art..  Also, we will design & make imaginative & complex African small worlds, exploring & joining different materials with a variety of textures.

If you would like to learn more about the early Years Foundation Stage framework, here are two useful links:

Resources to support your child in their learning

Special Events in Nursery

Drop-In Sessions  16.07.’24


All parents & carers are invited to drop in between 3.45pm & 6.00pm to gain an insight into children’s learning in Nursery & discuss progress.

Stay & Play  Tuesday 16.07.’24

All families are invited to join us, during the nursery day, please come along to stay, play & learn with us.  We offer afternoon & morning sessions; between 10.30am & 11.30am also. between 2.30pm & 3.30pm.

Sports Day  Wednesday 10.07.’24

All families are invited to join us on our sports day.  It would be great if families could join us 10.45am - 11.30am or 2.30pm - 3.15pm.

last Day of the Year for Nursery  Monday 22.07.’24

Please note, Nursery closes two days earlier than main school.  

The new school year 2024-2025 begins on Tuesday 03 September.


For application details and any questions or queries please contact the school office;

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