Welcome to Class DP1 - Silver Class

Mrs P Jones
BA (Hons) QTS

My name is Mrs Jones and I am the teacher in our EYFS and KS1 Designated provision. I am also responsible for School council, playground buddies and am involved with our equality and diversity awareness pshe curriculum. I love working with our

Mrs K Blaney
DP1 Silver

Miss N Bandy
DP1 Silver

Miss Z Bedford
DP1 Silver

Mrs S Pritchard
DP1 Silver

PE Day & PE Kit
PE will take place on Tuesday and Wednesdays.
Please ensure you child comes to school in their PE Kit on that day.
What's New
Download Timetable
Snack Money
Tuck Shop is available after school
on Wednesday and Friday.
Daily healthy snack is available to purchase every day at break time. Snack can be purchased at morning break. The maximum amount snack will cost is £2 a week. Children welcome to bring their own snack from home.
Reading Books
Reading Books will usually be changed on Fridays. Please read with your child every night and sign their reading record.
Knowledge Organiser
Our weekly news
This term we will be sending weekly homework linked to what the children have done at the weekend. It can be either done by the children or written by a parent with some mark making or pictures. This will allow staff to talk about the children’s weekend and develop the children’s communication about home. It does not have to take too long but it would really help us link in with home.
Homework to be completed by each Monday and sent into school.
Thank you
Recent Terms Archive
Class Topics For Each Half Term
Themes to be explored
Autumn 1:
Where I live?
Our first topic has a geography focus. We will be looking at where we live and who we live with? We will be learning about our families and what our houses look like. We will also be looking at maps. We will be making our own maps using where our favourite places are in Warrington and talking about the features of a map. From looking at local maps, we will then be finding out where Warrington is on a map of Britain and learn that our country is an island. We will be learning what an island is. Finally we will be looking at a map of the world and finding out whereabouts our country is.
Links to support learning: BBC Geography Science
Autumn 2:
Toys - old and new.
During this history topic will be looking at old and new toys. We will be learning that old toys are in the past and we have new toys in the present. We will be linking in to our science topic on materials and learning to describe old and new toys. The children will have the opportunity to explore real old toys from the local museum and talk about how they are different from the toys they play with today. They will also be able to find out what our parents and teachers used to play with when they were little. This will help us see how toys have changed over time.
Links to support learning: History
Spring 1:
Our Heroes
This term we will be learning about people who help us ie our real life heroes. We will be learning about what a hero is and that not all heroes wear capes, they are people who help us every day. The children will be discussing who helps them in their lives and what they do. They will be learning about jobs like firefighters, doctors, nurses and vets. The children will have the opportunity to talk to real life heroes and ask them questions about their job.
Spring 2:
This term we will read lots of different fairytales. We will learning about different characters and settings. We will be reading fairy tales such as Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood and The Gingerbread Man. We will be writing speech bubbles and making story maps to go alongside these stories. We will also be talking about how different characters and settings can be different and we can use describing words to make them sound exciting. We will be looking at alternative fairy tales and looking at the stories from a different point of view such as the wolf. We will also be reading Little Red and the Hungry Lion which the story of Little Red Riding Hood that is set in Africa .
Links to support learning: Topic
Summer 1:
During this science topic will be learning all about dinosaurs. We will be finding out what they ate and how they lived. We will be talking about different dinosaurs and learning some facts about them. The books we will be reading are both fiction and non- fiction and we will be finding out what the difference is. The topic will also include looking at dinosaur teeth and investigating if the dinosaurs are meat eaters or plant eaters. This will help us understand our own teeth and what type of foods we eat. We will also be making our own dinosaur fossils and trying to excavate them.
Summer 2:
This topic is linked to geography and science. We will be learning about where we find the seaside and looking at what we find there. We will be exploring what the sea and land are and investigating rock pools. The children will be finding out what people do at the seaside and what they might need for a trip there. They will also be finding out about plants and what they need to grow and where we might find them.
Links to support learning: Geography
To view other curriculum subjects please click on the links below:
MathsMusic SpanishArtScienceDesign TechnologyJigsawP.E.R.E.ComputingEnglish
Useful documents if you would like to support your child further: