Meet Leila - our school dog
This is our school dog Leila who has been with us since October 2019. She was just 10 weeks old when she first arrived, look how she's grown...
Leila loves being in school and being around the staff and children. She is very chilled and loves a stroke from passers by. Leila continues to work with children for lots of different reasons… from visits to classrooms when children are learning about pets to performing her tricks and going for walks with Y6 during their topic about her ‘Are dogs super?’ She is sometimes just there when needed as a distraction or when a child needs a stroke but then sometimes has a more structured morning in sessions such as our ‘Friendly Dog’ Workshops. She especially enjoys it when children have earned a ‘reward’ walk with her and they take her for a walkies down Lodge Lane or on the field but she also loves just chilling and listening to children read,
Leila writes regular blogs here, letting you know what she’s been up to, so pop back now and again for a pup-date!
My joke of the week:
Q: Why didn’t the dog want to play football?
A: Because it was a boxer!
Leila's Blog!
Christmas holiday fun!

I have had the best Christmas holidays!!! I spent time with my family, had lots of walks, I had a Christmas dinner AND there was even a present or two under the tree for me from Santa-Paws! Over the break we went on lots of new walks so I found loads of new sniffs and things to explore. We went to Windermere for a little while - the walks were soooooo big - look at me on this photo, I’m too tired
Have a very merry Christmas!

I love being in school with my friends but I also love, love, love being on holiday with my family. We go for big walks and have snuggly cuddles by the fire - this time of year is just ace! I am hoping that if the weather is good, mum will take me to the countryside or even to the beach…..whatever we do, I’ll post some photos on here so you can see what we’re getting up to! Because I haven’t
It's Christmas Time!

This is a great time of year! I love the ice and snow - I love running round and rubbing my nose in the frosty grass and slipping about on the ice! Last night I had my Christmas bath at the groomers. I had a bath and a good brushing, she cleaned my ears and trimmed my nails too! I’m not so sure about the perfume she sprayed all over me at the end but I love my Christmas bandana. This week me and
A kind heart

I am super proud of my friend from school. She has decided to start a donation box of things like towels, bedding, newspaper, toys and food to give to our local animal shelter. I feel so sad sometimes that there are so many of my animal friends who won’t have a happy home this Christmas. Some of these donations will help bring some brighter days to the dogs, cats and small animals that live at
Keeping fit on the field!

I am in school for much longer now, all day on most days, so during the day I like to get out for 20 minutes and stretch my legs. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it (I probably have) but I love playing with sticks. I like it when mum throws them for me but I don’t like giving them back! What I really like to do is collect them all up and run round with them in my mouth- I had 6 in there once!
The best news this weekend! My Grandad has been really poorly for the last 8 weeks and I’ve been feeling really sad. He’s been in hospital and has had to have lots and lots of help from the doctors and nurses. My Grandad usually comes into school at about 10.30am, he gives me some treats and takes me for a walk - two of my most favourite things!!! I’ve missed him so much and I know Mum (aka Mrs Williams) has
Fun with Emerald Class

Fun with my friends! This half term, Year 6 Emerald have done a topic called, ‘Are dogs sup er?’ I’ve been in their class to visit them so they could get up-close and personal with me – sounds a bit weird I know but they wanted to find out more about my personality, my features and why I have them. Mrs Williams (or mum as she’s also known) explained that I have some amazing features which make
Welcome back to school!

Thursday 1st October 2020 Hello everyone - welcome back to school! It's been a while since I've updated my blog but I'm back! I loved the summer sunshine and getting out on the beach and in the sea but I've got to say, I love love love this autumn weather!! I have a really thick coat so over the summer I had to shed lots and lots of it to try and keep cool. Mrs W moaned quite a lot about my fur
Missing all the children at school

Thursday 23rd April 2020 I'm a bit fed up today, I'm missing all the children at school. If anyone would like to send me a letter or a card or a picture you've drawn I'd love to see them! Send me anything, a story, a poem anything at all. Mrs W will read them to me and show me any pictures - I'll try and write back too if you put your address on it. Anything you want to send can be posted to
My First Summer

Wednesday 22nd April 2020 Hello eveyone - I'm missing you all soooooo much! It seems like ages since we were all in school together, I miss my friends but, I know that we have to keep away to keep everyone safe. I've been enjoying the sunshine, lying in the garden and going for some super walks. It's my first summer so everyting is very interesting to me - espcially thngs that buzz and fly!!!
African drums in a y4 music lesson

Friday 13th March 2020 Today I had a brillaint time listening to the African drums in a y4 music lesson. My ears were twitching all over the place - high sounds, lows sounds, loud and soft - the children are very skillful. I'd love to have a go but I think my claws might tear the skin on the drum - also I'm not sure I could resist chewing them! When Cadie wasn't looking I tried to have a little
My ace new seat

Wednesday 11th March 2020 Look at my ace new seat in Mrs W's office!!! I especially like sitting up here when she's eating her lunch as I can get a closer sniff!!
Friendly Dog Workshop

Friday 28th February 2020 Oh wow I had such fun with my new friends in the Friendly Dog Workshop - I can't wait to meet them all again next week. I told you that some of the children at school are a little worried about coming near me so we invited them to come and meet me in a nice, quiet place. It was fab. Some of them came straight in for a stroke and some waited unitl the end - I even got a
Going to be doing my first 'Dog Friendly' workshop

Tuesday 25th February 2020 I am super excited this week because on Thursday I am going to be doing my first 'Dog Friendly' workshop. I just love making new friends but this also gives me the chance to show some of the children (who are bit reluctant to be near me) that I am a big softy. I'm hoping to get some strokes but it's ok if they don't want to - we can just learn and grow together.
MORE walks

Sunday 9th February 2020 We went on MORE walks today but oh my goodness, storm Ciara hit and it was so windy! At first we weren't sure if we'd get out with the rain but it seemed to clear so off we went. We walked all the way up to Windermere and then onto a place called Ambleside. By the time we got there (about 1hour 20 minutes later) the wind storm had returned and it was blowing the water
The Lake District was pawsome!!

Saturday 8th February 2020 Today I went on my first weekend away to the Lake District and it was pawsome!! We stayed just near Lake Windermere in a place called Bowness. The weather was lovely today so we went on a huge 10 mile walk, my legs were so tired by the end of it. On the shore of the lake you can feed swans and geese and ducks - there were loads of them. I wanted to go over and play
New Coat

Monday 3rd February 2020 What do you think of my new coat? When I wear it I know I am safe because everyone, including the cars, can see me coming. It also helps to keep my hair from dropping on the floor at school.
Walk in the park

Friday 31st January 2020 On Friday after school I went for a walk in the park. I have learnt to run round the back of whoever is throwing the ball - it stops me from jumping up! You just have to say, 'Round the back!' to me and I run around. This clip is a bit dark but you can just make it out. When I am at home I have a teddy bear (we call it my baby) and I never ever chew it. I get it in
Practise my recall and control

Tuesday 28th January 2020 To practise my recall and control, Mrs W has been taking me on the outside equipment when nobody is around - it's great fun! Here I am running through the tunnel, my command is 'Through!' and when I do it...I get a treat! Yum!