Performance Tables

Data for 2024 will be published in December.

Click here for school performance tables 

Did you know, our mainstream attainment data has exceeded national average for over 3 years in Reading, Writing and Maths?

'From starting points which are considerably lower than those expected for their age on entry to the Early Years Foundation Stage, pupils make good progress and reach national standards in reading, writing and mathematics by the end of Year 6.' Ofsted.

Below are the results of our Statutory Assessment Tests which took place this year.


Reception:     57% reached GLD (Good Level of Development)

Year 1:            80% passed the Phonics Screening Check.

Year 6:

Reading:         91% achieved the expected standard. 44% achieved the greater depth standard.

Writing:          84% achieved the expected standard. 12% achieved the greater depth standard.

Maths:             98% achieved the expected standard. 47% achieved the greater depth standard.

Reading, Writing & Maths Combined was 81%

Only a handful of schools in Warrington have Designated Provisions; these are smaller classes which provide very specialist provision for children from across the authority who can often have very complex needs. 

You will notice that we present the data as 'mainstream’ only; this refers to all of the children in our school who do not access the Designated Provisions. We do this because those children don't sit the tests and it allows us to be compared  to other primary schools more fairly. Our DP children make huge amounts for progress and reach their full potential, however we measure and celebrate  this in other ways.

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