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Welcome to Year 5/6 - Topaz Class

Miss A Paget

Miss A Paget


BA (Hons) PGCE
Miss A Paget

Hi, my name is Miss Paget and I am the current year 4 and 5 teacher in Topaz class. As well as this, I am also the design technology lead across school. I am passionate about giving children opportunities to try new and exciting things that are

Mrs S Hankin

Mrs S Hankin


Mrs S Hankin

PE Day & PE Kit

PE will take place on Wednesday.

Please ensure you child comes to school in their PE Kit on that day.

What's New
Download Timetable

Snack Money

Tuck Shop is available after school
on Wednesday and Friday.

Daily healthy snack is available to purchase every day at break time. Snack can be purchased at morning break. The maximum amount snack will cost is £2 a week. Children are welcome to bring their own snack from home which is less than 110 calories.

Reading Books

Reading Books will usually be changed Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please read with your child every night and sign their reading record.

Knowledge Organiser

You have been given a Knowledge Organiser and Homework Grid with some tasks relating to our topic.

Each week we will have a focus that has been covered on the Knowledge Organiser.



Maths and spellings are given out every Friday. These are to be brought in on the following Friday in preparation for their spelling test.

Children will get up to 15 spellings per week to learn at home.

Common exception words:

Year 5/6


Homework Grid:


Recent Terms Archive



Topic: Do Polar Bears eat Penguins?

This term, as part of Geography, Topaz class will be answering the all important question; ‘Do Polar Bears Eat Penguins?’ as we go on a long adventurous journey from the Arctic to the Antarctic. Along the way, we will be learning about the expedition of Ernest Shackleton and his tale of remarkable perseverance and survival!

Science: Living things and their habitats

Our first focus for science this term will be, Animals including humans, as we learn about the different animal groups, types of plants and delve into micro-organisms. Through observations over time, we will be answering enquiry questions and looking for patterns.

Science: Earth and space .

Additionally, we will be learning about Earth and Space as we discover the many phases of the moon and learn about night and day! We will also be going back in time to learn about some very special astronomers who have helped to structure our science thinking.


Our Jigsaw topic this term is ‘Celebrating Difference’ and we will be learning and celebrating the things that make us unique!


Week 1: Accepting everyone is different

Week 2: Including others and bullying

Week 3: Solving problems

Week 5: Working within a group

Week 6: Giving and receiving compliments


At the end of the term, we will be completing our RE unit on Christianity as we learn about the concept of reincarnation. During this week, we will be answering the question; How significant is it that Mary was Jesus’ Mum?



This year, CLASP will take place on Friday afternoons.

This term our CLASP will be:

Fit box - Please make sure children come into school wearing appropriate sports wear on this day.



This term our PE day is Wednesday. Please send your child into school wearing full kit on this day.


Heart dissection!

As part of our science topic, The circulatory system, we dissected pig hearts to help us learn about the cambers inside. We couldn’t believe how big they were! It wasn’t for the faint hearted…

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