Summer 1 News and updates


What a glorious day we had at the RNLI Life boat centre in New Brighton on Tuesday. We met Terry and some of the inspiring crew who volunteer to keep the coastline safe. We were fascinated to know that their pager could go off at any time and they would need to mount and launch the boat immediately to respond to the call for help. We were lucky enough to get to role play a call-out on the amazing vessel they use, and find out about some of the clever gadgets on there to help keep them safe in the waves. We also got to have a sit in the tractor and learn how it works. We looked at the amazing weatherproof outfits the crew have to wear, as well as some of the history of the station including some of the precious medals and trophies that had been presented to some of the crew for incredible achievements and acts of bravery. We came away feeling very inspired and overwhelmed at the bravery of the crew who volunteer their time to save others at sea.


Well what a great start we have had to our topic so far, and the half term in general. Swimming lessons are now underway, and are now certainly a favourite time of our week for many of the children! Our work on light has taken us on some real discoveries from the past - with particular interest in the Eddystone Lighthouse in Plymouth. Last week in writing we wrote an instruction manual for Mrs Daniels who is considering buying her very own lighthouse on the Isle of Man! This week we have been using the stories of Mr Grinling, the famous Lighthouse keeper from the children story book series to help us create our very own version of "The Lighthouse keeper's catastrophe". We worked hard to create a humorous but tense plot line - remembering to use lots of our scientific and descriptive language and complex sentences. Come and have a read!

Watch the video and have a think about how the RNLI links to our topic!

Swimming update 

Swimming will be happening on Monday afternoons, with the children returning back to school and to be collected from the classroom door at 3:30 approximately. Please ensure they have their swimming kit each Monday as specified on the letter. 

Clasp update

CHildren will be taking part in either Sport or Art CLASP sessions, then swapping after the half term. For safe measure please ensure your child has their PE kit in school for both their PE lesson on Thursday and then their CLASP afternoon also.

Welcome back to a brand new term and your final one in Year 3! I am hoping you all have great Easter breaks and are coming back with brains ready to work hard and tummies full of excitement (and chocolate too I'm sure!) We have saved some of the best topics 'till last, and we are kicking off the first half term with a History focussed topic "Let there be Light", taking in the incredible works of some influential individuals of our past and their life changing/saving discoveries. 

CHALLENGE! You know I love a challenge so for 5xdd each answer, if you can come and tell me who these amazing "mystery people" are before next week! Clue - they are both linked to our topic!

As always, here are the curriculum newsletter and half termly homework documents to download and print should you lose your paper copy that was distributed on the last day of last term with the reports;



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