Welcome to Year 2 - Purple Class

Mrs S Hopson

My name is Mrs Hopson and I am an Assistant Head here at Bewsey Lodge School. I am the Phase leader for years 1-3 and I love working with the children in these classes. I am very lucky to teach in Year 2 and I am always very proud of the children in

Miss A Perrin

Miss D Williams

PE Day & PE Kit
PE will take place on Tuesday.
Please ensure you child comes to school in their PE Kit on that day.
What's New
Download Timetable
Snack Money
Tuck Shop is available after school
on Wednesday and Friday.
Daily healthy snack is available to purchase every day at break time. Snack can be purchased at morning break. The maximum amount snack will cost is £2 a week. Children welcome to bring their own snack from home which is less than 110 calories.
Reading Books
Reading Books will usually be changed Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please read with your child every night and sign their reading record.
Knowledge Organiser
You have been given a Knowledge Organiser and Homework Grid with some tasks relating to our topic.
Each week we will have a focus that has been covered on the Knowledge Organiser
Children will get up to 10 spellings per week to learn at home.
Recent Terms Archive
Class Topics For Each Half Term
Themes to be explored
Autumn 1:
Australian Adventures
Our first topic of the year is “Australian Adventures”. This is a geography topic in which we will find out ab out the country of Australia. We will learn about the climate of Australia as well as the physical and human features compared to our country. We will also complete a range of map work to help us to understand the location of the UK and Australia. In addition, we will read some non-fiction books to find out about the types of animals that live in this part of the world.
Links to support learning: Geography Kids Travel
Autumn 2:
Life in the Freezer
Our next topic will also be a geography topic and is called “Life in the freezer”. I this topic, we will find out about the coldest places on Earth – the Arctic and the Antarctic. We will again learn about eh physical and human features of these places as well as finding out the meanings of geographical words such as northern and southern hemisphere, the Equator and Polar regions. We will find out about the adaptations of animals in these places that allow them to survive in such extreme temperatures. We will also read fiction books with a polar theme.
Links to support learning: Polar Habitat
Spring 1:
Victorian Times
Our first topic of the Spring term will have a history focus and will be called “Victorian Times”. In this topic we will be developing our historical enquiry skills and will be looking at artefacts from the Victorian period. We will make comparisons between the life of children now and the lives of children living during the Victorian era. We will also find out about one of our most famous monarchs, Queen Victoria. We will also read fiction books set in this period, including a book by the famous author, Charles Dickens – Oliver Twist.
Links to support learning: BBC History History
Spring 2:
Before Easter our next topic will be “Once upon a time”. This topic will have a Literacy focus and we will be reading a range of traditional and fairy tales. We will look at the features of a traditional tale as well as studying the characters that we will find in these stories. We will have fun using drama to retell and further investigate these stories. We will also complete lots of writing about these stories and we will look at some alternative traditional tales.
Links to support learning: Traditional Tales
Summer 1:
Our first topic in the summer is a local history topic, Old Billy. Old Billy was a famous horse who lived and worked in Warrington over 200 years ago. In this topic, we will find out about the life of Old Billy and about the types of jobs he did all those years ago. We will make comparisons between what life was like at the time of Old Billy in Warrington to what life is like now. We will also take a walk along the “Old Billy” trail.
Links to support learning: Old Billy Report Canals
Summer 2:
Our final topic of the year will be an author study. We will be looking at the author Emily Gravett. She has written many stories for children including Wolves, Blue Chameleon and Monkey and Me. We will be reading lots of her stories and finding out about the characters and settings in them. These stories will help us to complete our own story writing.
Links to support learning: Our author Emily Gravett read
To view other curriculum subjects please click on the links below:
MathsMusic SpanishArtScienceDesign TechnologyJigsawP.E.R.E.ComputingEnglish
Useful documents if you would like to support your child further: