Welcome to Reception Red

Miss E Matthews
BA (Hons)

Hi, my name is Miss Matthews and I am currently teaching in reception orange. I have a passion for early years and love watching the children learn and thrive in all areas of development. I am thoroughly enjoying my time here at Bewsey Lodge and

Mrs J Lander

Miss L Wailes

PE Day & PE Kit
PE will take place on Tuesday.
Please ensure you child comes to school in their PE Kit on that day.
What's New
Download Timetable
Snack Money
Tuck Shop is available after school on Wednesday and Friday.
Toast is available to purchase every day for snack time. Snack costs £1.50 a week and should be paid at the beginning of the week. Children are welcome to bring their own snack from home which is less than 110 calories.
Reading Books
Reading Books will usually be changed on a Friday. Please read with your child every night and sign their reading record.
Knowledge Organiser
Recent Terms Archive

Class Topics For Each Half Term
Themes to be explored
Autumn 1:
All about me!
During the first half term, the children will be focusing on settling in to the rules and routines of their new setting. They will spend time developing their social and communication skills in the provision to help build new relationships before sharing about themselves, their likes and dislikes their families. The topic will conclude with a week learning about and celebrating the Hindu Festival of Light, Diwali.
Links to support learning:
Autumn 2:
Traditional tales
This Literacy based topic will share a number of family favourite Tradition Tales including; The Little Red Hen and Little Red Riding Hood. The children will act out and retell the stories, compare and contrast them with modern takes and work together to create their own following the same ‘rules’. The half term will finish with activities around the Christian celebration of Christmas including a wonderful performance for our families and friends.
Links to support learning:
Spring 1:
Wonderful Winter
A Understanding the World topic, the children will use their developing science, history and geography skills to make observations and predictions about the changing seasons. Following on from this, the children will then look closely at the polar regions, where they are on a map, who lives in them and similarities and differences with where we live in the United Kingdom.
Links to support learning:
Spring 2:
This term we will be exploring growing. We will be looking at plants and their life cycles, and what a plant needs to survive. This term is a very exciting one as we will be welcoming ducklings into our classroom! These will arrive as eggs and we will have the opportunity to watch them hatch and grow into ducklings. We will be exploring how to look after the ducklings and will be looking at the life cycle of a duck.
Links to support learning:
Summer 1:
The topic for this term is ‘things with wings’. We will be focusing on lots of different minibeasts, and finding out lots about them. This will include the different types of minibeasts, what they eat, where they live and the key stages of their life cycles. We will be reading stories such as ‘Superworm’ and will be exploring the characters and settings of the story. We will also explore non- fiction books such as ‘Thing’s With Wings’ to help us to learn more information!
Links to support learning:
Summer 2:
This term we will become sea side explorers! We will be learning all about the beach and summer. Including what to wear on summer visits to the beach and sea shells. We will also look at pirates and will be working on reading and drawing maps, as well as looking at pirate ships and making boats. We will also be learning all about under the sea and the creatures that live there.
Links to support learning: