Rosa Parks
Green House

We have chosen Rosa Parks to be the name of a house at our school because she stood up for what she believed in – she stood up for fairness, equality and respect. She was brave and inspired others to be brave and follow their hearts. She changed the rules for the better and changed life for millions of black people.

Rosa House

Led by Mrs Hopson  


Year 6 Captain                    Year 5 Vice Captain

Rosa Parks design-a-t-shirt competition 2024

We have enjoyed organising and judging the design a t-shirt competition. We had lots of entries and had a wonderful time “on the catwalk”, showing our designs to the school.

Here are some of the entries…

Easter bonnet competition.

Before the Easter holidays we organised and ran an Easter bonnet competition. Again, this was great fun and everybody worked very hard to come up with lots of exciting and adventurous designs. Take a look at these pictures of the Easter parade!

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